At Global Nordics, we specialize in providing comprehensive employment and payroll solutions for seamless international operations.

Employer of Record (EOR)

We offer this service in:

Agent of Record (AOR)

We offer this service in:

Payroll Services

We offer this service in:

Work Permits

We offer this service in:


Unlock the potential of your workforce with expert consultations on employment solutions from Global Nordics. Check more.


Planning and Concept Development

This initial phase is crucial for setting the foundation of the design project.


Documentation and Construction Drawings

This initial phase is crucial for setting the foundation of the design project.


Project Management & Implementation

This initial phase is crucial for setting the foundation of the design project.


Implementation and Styling

This initial phase is crucial for setting the foundation of the design project.

Work With Us​

We are excited to learn
more about
your project

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